How can i forget him


I have been obsessed with one person (m17) for weeks, which is what wrecks me.

I met him on August 19 on Girlfriend. An online friendship developed. Then there was a time when we didn't write anything to each other. About half a year ago I established contact again. Little by little, I found out a lot about him. He is perfection in person. Outwardly, he has everything. Charisma, rich parents, friends, immense talents, flawless looks, and so on. I know that he has been under enormous pressure to succeed since childhood and that he wanted to kill himself several times. But I never think of that.

I've always compared myself to him and his positive "traits", which over time became toxic to me. I'm / was jealous of him all the time. So I tried to ban him from my life with a break in contact. But somehow I never made it. I've been breaking the new contact for 2 weeks now (kinda proud). But I think about him every day. I associate a lot with him, for example. New York, undercuts, Snapchat, male adolescents with short hair, fashion, Netflix, the first district of Vienna, green pens, hotels, restaurants, Tik Tok, classy public toilets, … (please don't question it).

How can I forget it anyway? I want to get rid of him, but I just can't. It's like trauma, like a drug. I constantly feel the need to write to him, to have contact again

thanks in advance

P.: I know and if I have a crush on him, but I hope not


Nice to see you again QM1234.

I would just think of him as rarely as possible and when I remember I would be immediately distracted.

If there are things that remind you of him, just wait a while, at some point it won't remind you anymore.


Distract yourself with something, find a new hobby, delete his number and try as best you can't to think about him. If the latter does happen, forget about him and try to focus on something else. I think over time it will be easier to stop thinking about him and to live without him and the memories of him.