What should I do so she loves me too?


I'm pretty sure I love her. We meet every day at school and once a week I'm with her and watch Netflix together and so last week I wrote her that I love her and she said that she did me only friendly finds but that can be that can still develop with her. We write every day but the things is that she almost never writes me and she writes almost nothing if I do not write to her so I have to bring always new topic to continue writing. So we continue writing. Now I do not want to write to her and wait for her to write to me. What should I do to have her love me? And should I do now when I do not like her the way she used to be jealous?


Show her that it is important to you.


Basically, you can do little. You have the second step (confession of love) before the first (wait until signals come from her).
If you've always had to write to her and maybe it's annoying, you should first go at a distance.
Leave her more room and distract yourself otherwise!
With a little luck, she might realize that she feels something for you and misses you.