What's wrong with my girlfriend?


She absolutely wants to travel everywhere with me when Corona is over (even before that, she had always annoyed me with travel requests and I convinced her to fly away with her friend…):

to Rome
to Venice
to London

I would like to just spend the evenings with her, watch Netflix, smoke shisha on the terrace… Why fly everywhere? It's just stress, costs money, you don't sleep in your usual bed…
I can't understand you.


Keep your eyes open when choosing a partner, lol.

Full of Otto!


Some people just have the urge to travel the world, see new places, create memories, etc.

In that case you just don't go together. Talk to her about the fact that you don't like traveling and it is best to say straight away that you don't feel like it, not for her sake either.


You have nothing in common on this point…

Either you compromise or one day she will leave you because the one with weaker desires (in this case you) is shaping the relationship through disinterest.


I can understand your girlfriend well.

You have to bring yourself to take a trip once.

Believe me, there's nothing better and traveling is an education.


Absolutely right! Travel is wonderful and educates!


I tick just like your partner, because when you "sniff" other countries, sometimes also get to know the ease of the locals there, then traveling is a lot of fun. I've been to every city you mentioned, it's beautiful there (every metropolis has its own charm), you get to know "country + people" and culinary delicacies…

The one doesn't exclude the other, you travel 3-4 a year and then there's still enough time for your preferences😉. Make compromises and everything will be fine!


Definitely. Only, maybe not with this friend!