What are the advantages and disadvantages of streaming films and series (e.g. On Netflix) compared to traditional TV programs?

- in Movies

What are the advantages and disadvantages of streaming films and series (e.g. On Netflix) compared to traditional TV programs?


It only has advantages over public law

it's cheaper, the program is better and i can watch it anytime


Advantages: You can watch, pause, etc. Anything you want at any time.

Disadvantages: Because you can watch everything at any time, it seems less valuable to you. And it can easily happen that you waste the whole day watching series / films


You can always see what you want to see 🙃 But it just costs money



No advertising

You can see what you want, when you want.


You can't see everything

Your favorite series may be deleted


The advantage is that you can decide for yourself when you are looking at something and what you are looking at. On TV, you have to live with what the TV stations send you.
You don't need to pay attention to the time of day with the streaming services. An FSK 16 film may only be broadcast unabridged on television from 10 p.m. Before that, the film has to be cut, which is often done for 8:15 p.m. When streaming, you can also see the film unabridged at 8:15 p.m. If you want.
Of course, streaming services also cut short, but not as badly as on television.

The downside may be that you search a series quickly. You have less of the joy of the next week than you did back then and how things will continue. They say you don't have to watch all the episodes in one go, but when it's exciting, it's not that easy.

But I think streaming has more advantages than disadvantages. I like to pay money for that.


Well you can choose what you want to watch yourself, you have no commercial breaks, you can stop if you have to go to the toilet or something, you can watch as you want and you can watch as many episodes in a row as you want and you don't have to open wait for the next episode to run again.

Disadvantages it costs something.