Who still watches traditional, linear television, i.e. Television that is broadcast and offered directly by a broadcaster?


Do you still watch "linear" television, from whatever channel, that is, that "traditional" television that is currently being broadcast and offered and received via cable, antenna or satellite?

Or do you only watch streaming, if so, either from a media library (ARD media library, ZDF media library, Arte media library, etc.), or from a streaming service (Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.) the Internet (YouTube, TikTok etc. Usf.), or from DVD / BluRay, but no or hardly any "traditional" linear television anymore?


Have been without traditional television for almost 4 years now. In the meantime I would have the opportunity again, but I don't use it.

The reason: There isn't a single advantage of traditional television, but there are many disadvantages:

Fixed times
Obsolete series
Bad and limited choice
Bad synchro, no language selection
Poor quality


I don't follow the classic TV program anymore…

I only like to follow things like that for e.g. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Hobbit.


I only get television through my parents with or to watch the news. Otherwise only films and series on Netflix.

What the television stations now allow themselves to do is sick. Every 10 minutes what feels like 20 minutes of advertising.

During the day, only rubbish series such as 2 Broke Girls or Trovatos are shown and in the evening the films are stretched from 2 hours to 4 hours through advertising.

Free TV premieres are shown 2 years after they hit theaters, the quality is not the best and the programs are generally quite boring.

I think streaming services will take over at some point. But I can also imagine advertising there in the future.


Every now and then I watch classic television very rarely. And when channels like Arte or 3 Sat. I also watch media libraries


Well, or you just pay a lot of money for streaming services. This is how PayTV currently works.

For example, Discovery Channel (PayTV) often comes up with new things and not 20-30 minutes of advertising, but only two minutes of advertising every hour.


Well, that depends.

Advertising is often only available for 2 minutes per hour on PayTV, and in the meantime you often have FullHD (next year probably UHD on the ÖR channels and probably also on Discovery).


The day before yesterday I watched the Zack Snyder's Justice League movie. WOWOWOWOOW

A completely different film.

One which even makes sense.

It was really awesome that in almost every scene I thought: WOW what's going on here? That makes sense!

I also watched the "Horror" "US". At least that's what I believed.

Much later a criticism of https://www.youtube.com/...nmSFYtbstA.

How he goes about the film strikes me with everything he shows and shows how stupid the actions in the film are, that I didn't even watch the film through to the end because it is so incredibly bad.

Of course I don't pay any more for such junk, thanks probably to God, fortunately there are pirated copies to protect us from evil.

Capitalism can't get through this evil "You have to pay! Whether you want it or not!" Socialism is losing and always finds (God will do it!) A way how we can give the bad people who want to poison us a solution as we can, thanks to direct democracy, show those up there the finger and their scrap.