When you watch films or series, do you still buy DVDs or BluRays or do you just stream?

- in Movies

I would be interested to know who, when watching films and / or series (or documentaries, etc.) today, in November 2020, is still predominantly from DVDs and / or BluRays, i.e. From "silver discs" of whatever kind, looks, and who actually only streams from the Internet.

So: Who watches exclusively or predominantly films / series from DVDs and / or BluRays and who watches films / series via streaming directly from the Internet (i.e. From Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, ARD / ZDF media libraries, etc.)?

(Thanks in advance for participating.)


I don't like to depend on streaming providers and their licenses.

If I buy a film then I can watch it again and again. Even when the internet is on vacation or somethingā€¦ šŸ˜

Every now and then I watch normal TV to discover new collectibles (e.g. Series).

I mainly watch documentaries on youtube.


I have a very large collection of films on DVD and Blu-ray. I have no plans to sell these 'pearls'. In addition, I'm very picky about my choice of films. Blockbusters actually interest me less. It would now also be here To go too far if I were to state my preferences. As for seriesā€¦ I don't watch unless it's a completed mini-series. Series like "Babylon Berlin" or "Oktoberfest 1900" are the absolute exceptions for me Films that I like are mostly not streamingā€¦ Not suitable for the masses. ^^

So, to answer your question: I mostly watch films on silver discs. Netflix and Co. Are not suitable for me and probably not made for mine either.


I own a relatively large number of DVDs / Blu-Rays and would actually like to own more, but streaming portals are simply more practical and cheaper. But I still have classics that aren't online or many of my favorite films on DVD because I don't like to depend on streaming services and because it's just nice to have your favorite films in the closet.


I only watch Blu Ray for absolute masterpieces such as Star Wars


Mostly streaming or media libraries also on the side of certain broadcasters. I still have a few Blu Rays but haven't bought a new one for a long time. It's just not worth it anymore