Smart TV, Amazon, movies?

- in Movies


I like to watch DVDs and order from Amazon now and then… New and older blockbusters (action, fantasy, horror, war etc.)

However, you only look at the DVD 3 times at most, depending on how good the film is, even 10 times over time or only once if it was a mistake… And then you put it away.

Wouldn't it be cheaper if I had a Smart TV and watched or rented these films via Amazon or Netflix (or how does it work)? 🤔🤔

Can someone explain how it works? So you pay per month e.g. 20 euro and can then watch films as much as you want or series or even the latest blockbusters.

I still have a 'normal' TV without an internet connection but wanted to get a Smart TV and watch movies without buying DVDs.


You can rent or buy films from Amazon Video. With Amazon Prime you can view a certain contingent without additional costs, just pay an amount monthly or annually.

With Netflix there's only the "free" quota for a certain amount monthly. There are different subscriptions of different quality.

You can also try both for free for a month. However, your internet connection should also be good.

You won't find the latest blockbusters there.


Would you recommend Amazon or Netflix?

I thought you could also watch new films… 3 months ago in the cinema.


No, there are no new films that were only in the cinema. They only come on DVD after a few months. At that time, you will also be able to borrow or buy them from Amazon. "Free" subscription is generally only possible later, depending on the film, possibly much later or only for a short time.

Netflix and Amazon also make their own productions, which you can usually only view there.

I don't really know which one I would recommend to you. It depends on what you want to see, e.g. If you There's also something about certain series that only one of the two has on offer. I saw a lot of Amazon initially because we weren't subscribed to Netflix yet. Then my daughter wanted Netflix and for the first few months I hardly saw Amazon anymore because I wanted to find out what Netflix had to offer. In the meantime, I watch both, depending on what I feel like doing.

As already mentioned, you can also test both free of charge for a month and find out what suits you more.


Ah OK thanks…

Well, take a look… Maybe I will leave it too, because I thought you could watch films on subscription that currently came out, e.g. 2019 films like Joker and co. Instead of buying the DVD for 15 euro or so… Series hmm is not so mine😄