Advertising on Samsung Smart TVs?


I would like to buy a television and came across an attractive price-performance ratio of a Samsung device. This contains the advantages of the Smart TV or Smart Hub.

So far I have not had a Samsung TV and I'm not familiar with the "Smart" functions. But I know that apps like Netflix can be controlled via it.

Now I have heard and read in recessions that advertising is appearing in the Smart Hub. Is that correct?

I would find this very uncomfortable because I only use the TV for streaming services and the like. Will benefit. I deliberately avoid advertising in the browser and have not watched TV for years. It would be unpleasant for me to no longer be able to see the surface of the apps with large advertising spaces.

What is your experience with Samsung Smart TVs? Do you see advertising?


I don't see any


Have no Samsung TV in use myself. But I've also heard that advertising should be really penetrative.

You can often avoid this by simply not connecting the TV to the Internet. But that doesn't seem to be an option for you.

In any case, I find that outrageous and you shouldn't support it.