Samsung TV recommendation?


There are different TV sets like sand by the sea and unfortunately I don't know my way around because I have been using a standard Orion UHD TV with 42 inches for 10 years.

Since Saturn currently has a 55 inch from Samsung on offer for 430 euro, and Saturn and the media market will have a 16% discount tomorrow and the day after tomorrow on Samsung TVs, I wanted to look around for a new device.

What would be important to me:

- Smart TV (Netflix, Youtube, Amazon Prime etc.)

- at least 55 inches

- Input lag should be as low as possible because I want to play on the PS4 as well.

- Happy very good image quality, so preferably QLED or OLED, unfortunately I do not know if the difference to normal LED and LCD is so stark.

Is there someone here who can recommend something from Samsung?


I assume you mean Is a solid entry-level model, you can take. But it is not QLED. At the point of note, QLED is just a form of LCD TV and not a fundamentally different technique like OLED.


The question is, how high is the input lag on the TV? It is important to me to play on the TV with the PS4. I put a lot of emphasis on it because I felt 0Ms input lag on my PC screens and extreme input lag on my current TV. As an ES athlete and hardcore gamer, this is particularly important to me.


I only know the input lag of the RU7100, and it is extremely low (just over 10ms), the 7099 will probably also be in the area.

Incidentally, the display only has 60Hz.