Does it still make sense to buy DVDs or Blurays?

- in Movies

I had been collecting videos, DVDs or blurays at home for as long as I can remember. Now the question above comes to my mind, because it is also a question of space at some point. I mean I like to have a CD / cassette in my hand and if I don't like the film anymore, I can easily sell it again or lend it to friends or give it away, which is no longer possible with the digital version.

However, I also notice that on eBay, Ebay classifieds and Co. Most films are thrown afterwards, usually around 3 euro to 5 euro and actually nobody wants them anymore. Or does that just seem to me? So is it even worth it in times of Netflix, Sky, Amazon etc? Could go there and take my Amazon Fire TV Stick with me everywhere or if someone has a suitable TV log me in there to watch my films with friends. What do you all mean?


Most films that are thrown away are mostly anything but long-term super hits.

So films that are mega good in themselves, and can then be seen more often. At least it seems to me that today mostly mass production anyway. Many things are interchangeable.

I can also imagine that on eBay classifieds many people think like this: "Well, before I throw them away, I still get 2 euro".

You have to decide for yourself whether the whole thing is worth it. What is the emotional value of a physical collection for you? Is it worth the effort?

Also keep in mind that BluRay deliver the better Qualli. So compared to the stream.


I can't do without my DVD / Blu Ray collection! I want my favorite series and my favorite films on DVD / Blu Ray. I still buy DVDs and Blu Rays!


It's really only worth it for real film fans and favorite films.


Sure, at some point they will be extinct and your old Bluray collection at home will be worth millions!


It's like this… Every collector will continue to buy discs. I'm one of them. It's not just the film that gives you access. Of course, the film as such comes first. But it is also the extras that give you anticipation And it is not uncommon for a loving opening menu to be created especially for a film that appears on Blu Ray, which you wouldn't otherwise see.

In conclusion, I would say a film lover who not only sees films in the past, who also likes to see a make of, and ultimately also see the scenes that were not used… (and many other factors are still part of it), he will continue to buy Blu Rays, I do not regret a single purchase.