My parents just don't want to do anything with Netflix?


As already mentioned above, my parents simply don't want Netflix. I've told them sooo many times that Netflix doesn't cost much, and you can watch everything. But they just say that it's money wasted 😕😕. There are sooo many people. Now I wanted to ask you what you think of Netflix.

Perhaps you could also name advantages and disadvantages, so that I can somehow name the advantages for my parents.

I appreciate answers


Except that it costs money, there are really no advantages. And since your parents would have to pay that, it is completely legitimate that they do not want it.

Forgo pocket money and pay for it yourself


For frequent glotters, that's a fine thing.

The money is too bad for me, what I want to see I get myself elsewhere.


I don't have a netflix, I don't need it either. The normal television program is enough for me and I don't want to just sit in front of the telly. Some things just happen away from TV, netflix and co…


There are sooo many people

Which doesn't change the fact that it's money wasted for your parents.

I wonder what advantages there should be when watching TV, whether through the old media or streaming services. In general, it is generally used to waste your time without really being able to benefit from it, unless you check in any documentaries around the clock that are really educational. But who does it?


Well. You can watch films there and I mean a LOT of films 😊You can't do that through the old media 😕


At least not all films always run


I know what Netflix is.

But that doesn't change the fact that you waste your time with it. Only that you can watch films there's no advantage for me now.



Free trial month

Favorable monthly price

Many films and series that you can watch.

Perfect for watching something you don't know without having to buy the film

You can share the account. I share mine with my parents and everyone pays 6 euro a month instead of 12!


After a while there won't be many films or series anymore and I hate that!

Some things are only in the original sound with subtitles
