Why can't i sleep?

- in Movies

I've been sleeping with the bedside lamp on for a few months because before I go to sleep I think of killers from films that I've never really seen (mostly Pennywise, as this was often suggested to me on Netflix and sometimes the trailer of the second part was advertised on YouTube before the videos), or fears of mine (e.g. Giant spiders, which were more represented in the first month than now).

At first I was able to fall asleep despite the thoughts, but it was sometimes so intense that I left the bedside lamp on to remind myself that none of this is real. Today, however, I can no longer go out without the light and feel uncomfortable when I go to sleep in the evening and check again whether my apartment door is locked, whereby I first check that nobody is in front of the door before I open the door. However, this is complete nonsense, because none of this is real.

I really don't know what to do next and before I go crazy with myself, I thought, maybe you have any tips on what to do about it.


You give yourself your answer. These things that you watch on TV are not good for you. Some people can't cope with that. Probably still endowed with a vivid imagination, what you see will not let you fall asleep. Take a look at something more peaceful, so that the mind comes to rest first. Over time, the horror images fade.


Hi, I've been sleeping for a year now with the lights on and my Löwi (cuddly toy) by my side😅

Among other things, I'm afraid of these characters that I saw in films a long time ago and of such a black figure that I saw twice in front of me. I'm extremely panic about this thing even if I know that I imagined it… It works with my boyfriend, I don't need a light, but I can't sleep alone without it. Unfortunately I don't know how I can change that, but I hope that it will decrease over time, otherwise therapy or something might help


I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding here. I stated that I did NOT view these "things" voluntarily, but only received suggestions or advertisements from platforms such as Netflix or YouTube. So I don't give myself my answer. If I had noticed myself that it always takes me along, I wouldn't ask about my problem here.


OK. It has been clarified.

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