How can I get rid of these sleep disorders?


Before I could sleep great and with a small light and mobile phone (Netflix turned on) because I have to hear the voice. That's why I live alone…

In any case it is so…

that I'm awake at night until 4 or 5 o'clock or no idea, I can't sleep earlier, have tried many things. On the one hand without a mobile phone, trying to sleep, without light I can't, anyway (I'm afraid in the dark) …

And so on! I was at the family doctor and she said that I should get no chemical or herbal sleeping pills and I have a suspected depression. She recommended to me sedation tablets and went to the pharmacy and got the strong ones. So I have to say in the beginning it went but now it will be worse to fall asleep, even getting up early brings nothing, because I tried today too, was awake at 10, earlier did not go (is hard to get up early, do not hear the alarm clock) So only 6 hours sleep… And I'm still awake now and that at 3 o'clock in the morning… What should I do? Is there any home remedies for that? This has been going on for over a month now, help…


Also had problems with sleep disorders. Was also with the doctor because of that, he has prescribed sleeping pills. Since then I have no more problems.


Ok, have you ever been to psychologists / psychaters? Because they may be able to prescribe something to you with the effect.


I'm still looking for a transfer, but I have


Then I would advise you to do that.


Either the depression or stress that causes the sleep disorder.

Seeing in bed TV keeps you awake even longer.

A small radio quietly would be better than watching TV. Since you have to go into a psychotherapy practice your concerns sometimes get better medication than the family doctor.