More tablets = longer sleep?


I've looked which tablets so sleep / tiredness -zeug have as side effects and then have allergietabletten (cetirizine) endeckt where the side effects just go to sleep if you understand me, anyway, I've taken so far only 3 times and also not in a row but I sleep with them until now always 12-15h, otherwise I sleep 7-10h so no school is, I want to sleep only eig longer so I have less of the day because I stop doing nothing the whole day except yt watch and sometimes play but I played most of the games after 1-3 days so I watch all day rather something on yt / netflix because I have no friends and so that's why I want to have less of the day in which I oversleep. So my question now would be if I sleep even longer if I take 2 tablets instead of 1? So on the packaging is that you should take two halves in the day with allergy (ie a total) and 2 would be just "too much" can it lead to vomiting or so nausea in such a small number of "too much"? Or do I simply sleep longer so the function is stronger then?


No, you will not sleep for 12-15 hours. Which is not healthy, just like that.

You sleep long enough, in the waking phase you should live.


I also take the tablets because of allergy, but I was never tired of it, never even a bit.
There are teas and drops on a natural basis in the pharmacy, for healthy sleep I've even discovered myself for myself.
Have sleep problems.


If you take too much, it may be that you fall asleep and never wake up again… (dead)


I think less, that would be there in there


With me that was already 3-4 times when I took it, I have no life