How do I apologize to her? /? Girlfriend is hurt and pissed?

- in Movies

Yesterday I already described the situation.

I invited a good friend to me. When she came, she had to wait about half an hour for me, because I had started a round of lol and this had to play yet finished. At 17:30 I was about done and wanted to start Netflix. (Watching a movie)

There she was already a bit pissed. In the end, it was still quite funny. The movie was good and we could laugh zsm.

At 8 pm I had to go to the night shift. We already discussed in advance that she is traveling because the station is located directly from the company and she only has to drive half the distance.

I then asked them for money, as I'm relatively broke this month and I wanted to get something to nibble before shift start. Kindly she gave me something.

Due to the short shopping, we got a little bit stressed because time ran out.

I hounded her slightly as she alighted, ignoring other cars as she got out of the car. The car door crashed into another car. She immediately apologized and said that this was really no intention. But I was so shocked and angry that I continued to mumble and yell at her out of anger. In the sense of boah, open your eyes 😒 you must again with your verpeilten kind the end of the meeting again 😒.wir we shone off both cars, none had a scratch but I was still in shock, that I left my mood to hers,

The hug was then very short, she looked very dismissive. Not even turned around to me. Unfortunately, in anger, I also wrote her how cheeky and disrespectful she was. And that I will run no more effort for her. I need a break from her.

I thought she would come back after that, but unfortunately she is really upset now: /

How can I make amends?


You definitely screwed it up. After such an action, you would not have to report any more. You're broke, she gives you money so you have something to eat. Then you arrive too late at the station because you still had to go shopping for at least their money. You throw her out of the car and then scold her. You no longer have all pale on the fence. Sorry, and right.


You should first think carefully about why you have ever got so angry. So you can honestly and sincerely explain what was going on and that it was not against her as a person. Or. First you have to find out if it was against her as a person or something else.

Besides that, and hopefully you've already figured that out yourself, you should apologize for what you did to her. And you say, if that's true, that it was not your intention to hurt her and treat her like a criminal or a fat man.

But, how in the world do you expect her to return afterwards? It has to have more serious mental problems than you (I assume you now, because no one who is with himself, treated others like this), if she voluntarily exposes to such a treatment.
You abused her trust. His friends are not expected to be humiliated in such a way. His friends are expected to be loyal and to protect you. Do not attack. She will not feel really safe in your presence at first. It's up to you to work on yourself. To become a person that makes you feel safe. And do not expect every second with a rage.
Look for a therapist. Something helps everyone. Even people who get along better than you.
First you have to change. Then you have to make an effort to put that into action. Before you can do that and make it believable, it will not and should not forgive you.


First of all, you should put yourself in their position.

You were playing while she was there. Such a game is unimportant. Just go out of the game. So if she reconciles with her again, do it next time. To make her wait was outrageous.

Then with the money. You should give her that back. And apologize for your behavior as well.

Why did you assume that she would contact you after all this?

Do you contact her? Apologize for everything. Say your behavior was stupid and you're sorry. Ask her if she wants to reconcile with a coffee that you give her (or something else) and you will never again prefer a game and will not overreact because she cares about you.