Always the last choice?


I'm almost 19 years old and somehow can't find my place in this world.

I often long for friends whom I actually had in retrospect but never had. I'm just the funny freak with the cut arms. No, I'm not bullied at all and do not feel right now as a complete outsider. I get along with my environment but that's it. Smalltalk. I'm a very open person and do not necessarily let my mental problems hang out. I'm by far the best in my year without having to do anything about it.

Nevertheless, I'm lonely lonely. In the summer holidays I'm hardly ausm house. Why? No one answers when I reported to a few colleagues who were all involved, and then you find on various platforms group photos of events that I was not informed.

I'm used to that and not abysmally unhappy. There's worse, but of course it already depresses me.

For example, if jmd says he's just the second choice, I think I'd like that, not even some choice.

Actually, I'm only working alone. Go take pictures, travel by train to foreign countries, watch Netflix, read books, and think hard. One just wishes to have someone. I even gotten embarrassed when I posted a snapped picture of myself and my "friends" on Snapchat that I had from tumblr. You can tell by my ridiculousness.

I'm under treatment for borderline, but that does not tell me from the behavior but rather from the scars. I'm also pretty mature and more involved with medicine and psychology than any virtual games.

Has anyone experienced something similar and gives me some advice?

I also have the feeling of being able to talk to anyone who is under 30 on an equal footing. This also reinforces the feeling of sharing my knowledge with anyone because it is either totally boring or too complex for others.

If that is relevant, I'm also supposedly above-average intelligent according to tests so quasi gifted (was tested at 15 with the psychiatrist.)

I apologize for the long text. I still hope for some nice answers.


Highly gifted and special interests, which you can also pursue in a group -> down to the cafeteria. There you meet (if you have an active section in your area) like-minded people and, above all, a lot of people who are also looking for contacts to exchange like you.


Hello, maybe you can do something with these websites.


I'm also "gifted".

It is a destiny. How do you deal with it you decide. Just stop looking for attention online. You're smart enough to know that no useful information will find a way to you here and everyone just thinks you're a busy Broderline narcissist.

I think you should deal with the term narcissism. And ego.

Consider if you can't be useful to the world instead of asking for the world. Do not use your brain just for you. TU WAS you are proud of later. For other people. Because you can do it! You have the power and therefore the responsibility. Solve problems from others because they can't.

A simple way to practice dealing with people is to volunteer somewhere. Talk to the homeless. Think about exciting ways to help them. If you're really gifted, you like challenges that seem unsolvable. Connect this addiction to challenges with "helping people". So you satisfy your head and have contact with people.

But do not count on making such long-term contacts. They are only possible if you have defeated your ego. This means that other people and their inferiority no longer feel annoying.

I have not mastered that yet, but I'm beginning to enjoy mixing with "stupid" people and playing the role of perfectly normal. This can relax a lot because these people do not expect you to perform so well. And at the same time do not understand what you say anyway. Consequently, only company will enjoy. Do something banal. Even if you only have to endure it for a short time.


I'm by no means narcissistic, have more of a problem with myself and do not like me.


Maybe you are autistic. I'm also autistic, that's why I speak from experience, but I did not have as much luck with education as you, even though I come from Austria as well as you.


Have no superiority complex if that somehow sounded like that.


I have only one girlfriend and I'm alone a lot.

With your interests I can't imagine that you have nobody.

Have you ever considered joining an association?


No, autism was ruled out. It is more of an emotional trauma than cause.


Mensa is primarily a rip-off club. The membership fees are outrageous and unjustified as with a brokerage. Resting on the fact that desperate people depend on it.

In addition, the exchange with other intelligent people is not necessarily pleasant. Intelligence causes people to evolve exponentially in different directions. Of course you can be lucky and meet someone who is currently active in your favorite segment, but in general you can expect a collection of extremely special arrogant individuals, all of whom do nothing but feed their ego instead of putting something meaningful on the world. What exactly is so empty of content as a round of booze at the regular's table.

In addition, every club that makes its membership in an intelligence test is stupid. An intelligence test does not measure intelligence. He measures many other things.


Did you get officially tested?


Yes, even several times and at different doctors and centers.


I think you sound more narcissistic than the questioner.


Is really like that in Austria! I was only there 3x.


Yes? What do you want to do that for?


Was at the red cross. Unfortunately, it has not been allowed since the mental diagnosis.


Oh, why not?


Narcissism always has two sides. A side that wants to look highly intelligent and superior. And another that has more to it than anything else. Psychology wants to see different forms.

What I mean is that every thought of being something "different" is usually something narcissistic. You stand out automatically. This mental border separates you from people. Conscious and unconscious. That's why I'm not a fan of psychological diagnoses. And not a fan of the term giftedness. Because there's a split that you never forget again if you take them seriously.

Giftedness simply means being active and awake. More human, more attentive. So everything is crazy. You just have to look for challenges that are appropriate. They really get you ready.

For example, I have posed as my personal task to devise a test of psychophates without them realizing that. That's almost impossible, but it bothers me.


Personality suitability. Borderline excludes you.


I have not mastered that yet, but I'm beginning to enjoy mixing with "stupid" people and playing the role of perfectly normal.

for example


No autists do not have good grades. Nope, it's more of a borderline.


Wow, that's tough. I would not have expected… And shelter or sports?


I often go to the gym (alone). Animal shelter unfortunately none near.


I find that very interesting, so with the test in which you work!


Did you notice the goose feet?

The reason why I say that is that there are fundamental differences. There's hardly any progress in intelligence. Either you have a motor that is constantly looking for information and working or not. The engine of most people is always idle and turns in a circle. Always the same topics. Consequently nothing grows. No interest, no hobbies etc.

Their life revolves around something like "what I look at Netflix" or "what I like to eat". Or "relationship problem". That's it.

For me, a day with such people is a nightmare. I feel completely exhausted afterwards because that is a completely different world. And that is the problem under the "gifted" life. From the outside it looks just arrogant. But what causes a constant pain stupidity in these people do not understand these people. Imagine you live with 4 year olds every day. Of course it is funny. You can play with them. Dance. Laugh. But never have a normal conversation. You can only help them indirectly because they do not understand what you are saying. It is a lonely hell. If you then meet "grown-ups" they are just as broken as you have to live in a world of idiots all the time.

In addition, their intelligence has developed completely in other directions. You can therefore choose whether you spend your time in absolute emptiness and boredom or me extremely tedious ongoing discussions that always lead nowhere because you can't change a world of idiots and the downfall anyway is unavoidable.

Do you understand what I mean. It's a nightmare. So please allow me the term "idiot". Or "stupid" because that gives me at least a partial relief and I can file it as a completed problem. Offensive it is not meant. It is a problem description. I'm not too smart. But the rest is just stupid. I would like to have these people on my level. Then I know that my children have a future and that I have a normal, intelligent exchange every day.


Yes. Not? I think it's exciting, too. Because it is extremely difficult, but could sustainably improve humanity if people were aware of what psychopaths are. I would like to spontaneously brood with you about how to do that.


Uh okay. I did not find anything at all. I met very nice people who are the opposite or a pleasant variant of "extremely special arrogant individuals". Not everything about a friendship has to be more "contentious" than drinking at the regular's table. In addition, if you want to get in touch with someone, you need to meet somebody who either has a similar high IQ as you, or a deeper one. You exclude both the former and the latter? Then of course you are alone. Since I would be pissing and would make a bad club here, where I have found no connection.


I rather meant the costs, jz is not the world and money I have more than enough but I'm also quite on land and drove 3std.


In 3 meetings you can't find a connection, I'm aware of that.


Sorry, my answer should be to IchFragHaltErst, not to you. The membership fees are for students but anyway reduced


If you come from AUT, I live in the far east and move to my home next year to study. (Slovakia)


That's right, because autistic people are treated unfairly and unfairly when it's official.


There are autistic people who are just finishing high school. And Borderliner with study. Both are not tied to notes.