Where should I spend my time on the internet (+ question about internet addiction)?


I have no apps anymore except whatsapp. The only websites I visit (apart from articles) are instagram and well-informed

Netflix and co, I have deleted everything and the subscriptions because it wastes a lot of time. I then downloaded and watched too many Youtube videos. Now the phone is somehow empty. Should I limit myself to reading articles?

Or take the next step to eliminate internet addiction? What would this step be?


Find hobbies that have nothing to do with your phone or computer.


Just a suggestion: Take a look at instruction videos on the internet. For example, Instructions to become a real painter. As soon as you are ready to paint without instructions, you have, so to speak, let your Internet kill itself. Does not necessarily have to be a painter. Can also be something else.


How about education? That has never hurt anyone. Not on the internet!


Thanks for the answer.

I would have torn the box of tipping either on the train or burned somewhere as a symbol or celebration of the victory haha

Honestly, the immediate tearing of things helps with many things. I'll do it if I can't decide if I bought a bought jacket or not. Instead of sending the goods back I tear them up because I want to finish the thing. Or if I'm not sure if I should stop playing with the Playstation then I destroy it and then have a kind of relief

P.S. I do not smoke and do not drink alcohol