Netflix documentary about Elisa Lam and the Hotel Cecil: why has nobody read her name backwards?


I noticed that Elisa Lam read backwards means "mal asile". This is French and means "evil accommodation / asylum" or in English "evil asylum". Why is that not mentioned?

Is that just another strange coincidence or what do you think?


I think that your translation "accommodation" is very free after all.

What reason would there be to suspect a hidden message behind the common name Elisa?


Corrected it to asylum. Many people have found asylum in the hotel. Is described in the documentary. So you think it's just a coincidence like the other things?


I haven't seen the series or the documentary.

Since the series is based on a true story and the person was actually called that, you don't have to secret anything.


Maybe you should take a look at the documentary. Or at least read the Wikipedia entry. It was a very mysterious accident


It is not a series but a report about the hotel, the investigation into an "accident". It doesn't make sense that she jumped into that tank through that little opening "for fun" and then accidentally drowned…


I think you can interpret something in everything if you want. And whether human beings believe it or not, there's still one little thing that is simply called "coincidence". Behind every populous detail you always want to see a conspiracy, everything always has to be a reference to something. I don't see anything close to "inexplicable" about the case, just a girl with psychological problems who just drowned in a water tank in an unusual way. If you had seen the documentary correctly, you would have seen how much of the case was pushed up in the media and how much misinformation leaked out. The fact is, she was bipolar and PROVIDED not to take her medication. And yes, that can lead to strange behavior, as seen in the elevator video. The lid of the tank, which according to the police supposedly was closed, was not closed, but open, because the officer simply accidentally passed on false information. There's not a single reason why anyone should cover up anything. Enough people went to the hotel, you don't have to cover anything up, everyone knew what a lousy dump it was. It wasn't the Ritz. So in my opinion it's all just coincidence, but just such incredible coincidences that you want to see things that don't exist.

Oh and by the way: Her maiden name is Lam Ho Yi. Elisa Lam is just the Americanized version of her name.


Wow, I didn't know her real name. I didn't suspect a conspiracy either, rather something paranormal. And it wasn't the Ritz, but accommodation for drug addicts, criminals, poor people, next to normal tourists. So I thought Bad Asylum somehow fits this place.
I found the parallel with the movie "Dark Waters" a bit spooky… But that too is just a coincidence.


I also watched the series hard!


Yes, it did seem to get out of hand with so many people publishing their theories about it without knowing the investigators' facts.
It was also extreme how people really wanted a killer and just blamed the musician.
In any case, the case gives me cause for concern, even if it is closed.


With such a documentary series, it is most natural in the world to stage the events as mysteriously as possible. After all, it is supposed to be entertaining and may also shudder a little and address the superstitions of some viewers.

Apparently the concept fell on extremely fertile ground with you.