What to do during Corona holidays


I have 5 weeks off now, but you should avoid the public and large amounts of social contacts. So what could you do to avoid lying in bed for 5 weeks and watching Netflix? I'm already bored


Go to the park, learn a new language, think about your future

These are my suggestions



to clean up

Help your parents around the house

Baby sitting or voluntary work, sometimes something like that is also possible in the hospital (over 15, healthy, vaccinated)


As a teacher I would have given you a lot of homework so that you don't get bored:-)


The school closing due to Corona is not a vacation and "free of learning"!

Students will receive electronic tasks and exercises that they will need to solve and return to the teacher / school for correction / review.

Otherwise my tips at Laneweile:

• learn

• Prepare presentations for different subjects for school

• Learn to write 10 fingers (tipp10.com/de/)

• read a good book

• tidy up, clean and muck out

• Manage bookmarks in the browser

• Clean up the hard disk

• Clear out winter clothes, look through spring and summer clothes and try them on

• Bicycle / moped etc. Bring it into shape

• help parents in the household and garden

:-) AstridDerPu

PS: April is Easter and Christmas in a little more than 9 months! - Make Easter gifts, Advent calendars and Christmas gifts.


Help out in the local animal shelter and, for example, take out dogs, donate blood, move through the city with garbage bags and claws and clean them, offer older neighbors to go shopping for them, ask in the cultural center if there's anything you can help, do useful internships that will help you to further develop your career support…


Students will receive electronic tasks and exercises that they will need to solve and return to the teacher / school for correction / review.

That would be optimal, but hardly a school really does that. Remember that the schools usually only have the address and so and no email or so.