What happened during the holidays?


Well, I'm meeting a guy right now. He doesn't like to write very much, but we still wrote pretty often every few days / weeks. In any case, shortly before we both went on vacation for two weeks, he invited me to his home. We did Netflix & Chill including cooking for the first time (5th date). However, he always took it very slowly on dates in general. In any case, at the end of the day he kissed me passionately very often.

The very next day he wrote to me enthusiastically and wrote that he would like to do this and that with me and then nothing came for two weeks during the holidays. I then wrote to him again and he seemed distant, but the conversation was good as always. I asked him about it today and he simply said that surprisingly he still has exams until September and now has to study, but I didn't know anything about it. In any case, we won't see each other for a very long time.

My question is is it still worth it with the guy or should I let it be because if you really want to meet someone then you write that too, right? Because he had already had theoretical exams and then he even wrote to me in the stress of the exam.


Let him come up to you if he "keeps you warm" leave it


No, you're right… It sounds to me as if he just wanted sex and doesn't know anything about other things in a relationship, etc… Hands off and go your own way, the right one will come soon.


How do you mean that I should let him come to me? So just let him learn now and if nothing happens then let him?


Yeah. Let him write to you


But then why did he wait so long to have sex? Someone just wants sex right now, they do it at the second meeting. The guy took a long time to do this


Okay thanks.


No problem ^^


Too bad jam, at the moment it sounds like he's not really interested anymore. Whether that really comes from his exams or whether he just didn't achieve his goal (sex?!) is difficult to judge.

But I fully agree with you - if someone is seriously interested, he'll show it and you can still find ways to get in touch and meet.

I wouldn't put a lot of energy into that and withdraw. You can still be friendly with each other, etc., but for something serious he would have to work a little more.

Too bad.


It depends on whether he is telling the truth and if so, the exams don't last forever and then you can meet again!


I would ask him after a meeting and whether he has 1-2 hours for you because you missed him.

If he says no, ask him why and that he doesn't learn permanently every day.

If he says yes everything is fine.


Yes, I'm just waiting and enjoying my life. It's best not to get in touch and then you can see whether something is coming or not


Shouldn't I just leave him alone for a while?


You decide. I just told you how I would do it.


Right, that's the perfect solution!


Yes the idea is very good but when I wrote to him I had the feeling that I was annoying him


Then wait 1 day and see if he answers. Then you can still decide whether to write to him or wait a little longer.