What do I do with my friend during Corona times?


Me and my friend just laze around the whole time (netflix, eat sleep) we want to do a lot when the Corona is over, e.g. Go to the cinema or go shopping. What can I do with him during Corona times? He always says he's bored… And I'm scared that he'll get upset because he always says he hates doing nothing… (We both don't have a car, so we can't just drive up a mountain or something) and the weather is outside pretty cold and it rains all the time. Do you have any ideas?

(inside and outside) in case the weather gets better soon.


Starting shared hobbies - there are innumerable ones - and finding a project, board games, exploring new interests together… There are many possibilities. What are you interested in?


There are plenty of mail order houses with adult toys. Something like that would be an option.

Otherwise cook together, tidy up, redesign the apartment, paint and Co. A little bit of what is still possible.

And there's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.


Play Call of Duty Warzone (it's free and clears your mind).


Rummaging out boxes of games, cooking or baking together, shopping online, mutually confirming what you particularly appreciate about each other, jogging as soon as the rain stops, learning more.


It's winter, of course it's cold. And it probably doesn't rain for you 24/7 either. Therefore, a short walk will certainly be possible. Even if you just go to the supermarket to shop.

you can play board games, if you don't have one you order some. Likewise card games.

sometimes it is also a consideration to get a console. The older models are also not that expensive - and if you get ne wii you also have a little activity.

you can cook together and try out new recipes.

my girlfriend and i introduced a "date night" some time ago. So where we dress up a bit more chic, cook something good together and then skip the tv for the rest of the evening and just play games or chat.