Too much corona on TV?

- in Movies

Is shown too much about Corona on TV. There's hardly a program that doesn't have the Corona theme No matter whether talk shows, game shows, political shows etc. Only one topic on TV. Now also stupid shows like the Corona WG:-) It is not enough if the news reports about the whole evil. I don't even turn my TV on anymore, then I watch a film on Netflix or Amazon. In the meantime it is a bit annoying to "only" see and hear about it.

What do you think about that.


Hundreds of thousands of people are falling ill and tens of thousands are dying from it. If that doesn't deserve intensive reporting, I don't know either.


That's true. But probably nothing else is happening in the world


So I'm more likely to watch Netflix, if you don't hang out in front of the telly all day, that's not too difficult


Intensive ok… But why on almost every program? It would be enough if there were 2-3 special programs


But not on what feels like 40 channels and 24 hours a day


People care. And every broadcaster wants a piece of the cake. In addition, the situation changes very quickly.


But… Look at 8.15 for the news… Almost every program is postponed…


The viewers want to get information, but earning money with it is not punished by it. It is a situation that has not existed before, and of course it is everywhere, but I think the masses of chat shows that have no added value for the viewer for superfluous, that is the quota tail comparison between the public broadcasters who then tell you every day who has the longest, uh, the highest ratings in the area


Too much corona on TV?

I do not find.

Just one more topic on TV.

Short sample in today's evening program:

ARD: Panorama, North at Northwest - Gold!
ZDF: the dream ship
RTL: The teacher
Per seven: Germany's next top model
VOX: The 5th wave, James Bond
Arte: Follow the Money


But what's going on before, after, in between. ZDF is currently running Maybrit Illner topic Corona, Sat 1: Comedy conference: celebrities under quarantine


Panorama was about corona, many programs shift to half past nine


Your question gives the impression that the TV program currently consists only of Corona reporting. That is definitely not the case.

But what's going on before, after, in between.

Corona is currently the number one theme and unfortunately it will keep us busy for many months. Do you otherwise regularly watch Lanz, Illner and what the talk shows are all called? Which topic would you like to have? Your last 11 questions here on the Girlfriend platform were all related to corona.


Many programs postpone to half past nine

Seriously, is it really that bad to wait a quarter of an hour for the dream ship?


The point is that there are simply too many special programs…


I already understood that. My answer remains the same.


My Also.

but you can have different opinions