Who played Witcher 3 and watched the series on Netflix?


How did you like the series? Did you expect similarities with the game or is the series closer to the novel?

Who played Witcher 3 and watched the series on Netflix Who played Witcher 3 and watched the series on Netflix - 1

I expected the series to be more like the books because they made it known in advance. I didn't play the first part of Witcher for graphic reasons, so I can't say whether the game has any similarities.

I found the series quite exhausting the first time I watched it, but after reading the books it was easier to understand.


Did you expect similarities with the game or is the series closer to the novel?

Quite simply, the series was designed from the start to build on the books, not the games.


The series is based on the novel. And no, I didn't expect a similarity because I knew both books and the first two games.

I thought the series was good, but a bit too nerdy for the masses. You could have made it less lengthy, especially in the middle. Of course, the finale claps more and this ACHSOO is more blatant. But it is very daring for a new series production to expect viewers to stay on the ball for so long. But the second and third and quarter episodes were already weak.

It was also easier for novelists to follow the series because they knew where the story was going.

toss a coin too the witcher became one of my favorite songs!

I would have liked everything to be a bit more tight in the middle of the series and told the story less complex. Thanks to a strong beginning and finale and good production, she gets 8 out of 10 stars from me.

Very excited about season 2 think it will be like game of thrones the entire first season is actually a pilot


The series is based on the first books. If you haven't read it, the series is certainly not that good, as it is quite confusing.

Nevertheless, you can just try it out.


No, the first part is also its own story.

it's a shame you didn't gamble it. Found him from the gameplay better than the 2.


That may well be, I would also like to play, but I just think the graphics are so bad, I really can't give that to myself.


Ahja well i grew up at a time when 3D graphics were not standard. ^^

so for me everything after nintendo64 has a good graphic xD


Unfortunately, I only started playing in 2015, so that's just how I know it


I played the game first and was really excited about the gameplay, then I watched the series on Netflix and the series wasn't bad, but I was a little disappointed because I was excited about the gameplay. I haven't read the books because I don't necessarily read a lot.