Could The Witcher be the new Game of Thrones?


I really loved "Game of Thrones"! I loved the world, the plot, the soundtracks and the characters!

I miss the series because I like to indulge in fantasy worlds…

Well, here comes Netflix "The Witcher" and for me it looks very interesting:

Do you think that "The Witcher" could possibly become the new "Game of Thrones"?

And do you know, if there are any other (big) fantasy-series planned for the next years?



GoT was the best ever.

Geralt as The Witcher was cool to gamble, but will never approach GoT.


Witcher is not GoT, but the series could be just as good or better.


Better… Never🤫


Well Game of Thrones had several books as a good basis for a successful television series. To The Witcher is based on "only" the game, so there will not be as many seasons as GoT, I think. The game (I've never gambled it myself) is praised in the sky, but I'm rather skeptical.


The game "The Witcher" itself is also based on a book series!


Ah ok, I did not know sorry.


Ok, I should have looked at the trailer first, it looks pretty promising, especially nice and gloomy, too bad I canceled Netflix, could even hit my taste more than GoT.