Witcher series and game?


Wants to watch the Netflix series "Witcher" and start parallel with Witcher 3 on the PC.

Don't know anything about the Witcher series.

Now the question: is the series spoiling the game or the other way around? Are the stories the same at all?


The series is based on the book, the game rather not.

So you will be spoiled a little when it comes to characters, for example. But not so much that one of the two is no longer worthwhile.


The game has nothing to do with books or series (almost nothing)


The series tells the story of the first volume of short stories. This is followed by another volume of short stories, a five-part novel series, and two previous video games before you get to the events of Witcher 3 wild hunt, one of the current ones designed so that you don't necessarily have to know the books.


The series relates to the books, especially the first ones, and, despite the overarching framework, primarily tells loosely connected short stories.

The video games only start after the events in the books. Part 1 takes up the end of the last book directly; building on this, the games then tell their own stories, develop characters further and reference events from the books and their predecessors.

But in principle, no medium spoils the other. The books / series can't spoil the later games and the games only take up earlier events with a marginal comment or one or two sentences in conversations without this being noticeable.