Witcher books and the Netflix Witcher books?


What is the order of the witcher books and the netflix witcher books


The "Netflix" Witcher books are only new editions. Same content.

The Last Wish and the Sword of Providence are short story books. Before the saga, the legacy of the elves

Time of contempt

Baptism of fire,

Swallow tower and

the lady from the lake unites.

Then there's still time of the storm and then something ends, something begins.

That's how I read it back then. From time to time a different order is recommended. 😅


The books you came across with the series are exactly the same as the original books, only with a new cover. The series is the film adaptation of the first two books so far, the short story volumes The Last Wish and The Sword of Providence. In season 2, the first novel goes to the neck.



There are a total of 8 books on Geralt by Sapkowski. Two of them are short story volumes, one is a self-contained novel and the last 5 together form the "Witcher Saga" as a pentology. All other books do not belong to the canon proper.

You should definitely start with the first volume of short stories.


Why does it start with that?

Geralt von Rivia was "born" when Sapkowski wrote a short story for a fantasy competition and won it. This short story is the first in this volume. In it Geralt is therefore better introduced than in all the others, it explains what a witcher is and what he does - simply because Sapkowski invented it especially for this story and did not think back then that there would be more.

But there was.

The other short stories in the volume also introduce other main characters (who will come back again later) for the first time. So this is definitely the start.

Second - if you like the first book, of course - you should read the novel in its own right,


And then you read the second volume of short stories


Why in this order? Because the last short story is practically the introduction to pentalogy. This is where the events that lead to the novel cycle practically begin.

The independent novel "Time of the Storm" can be left out for now. Its action is not important for pentology.

And then just the "Geralt saga" 1-5, because the 5 volumes really have a continuous plot:

The legacy of the elves

Time of contempt

Baptism of fire

The swallow tower

The lady from the lake

There's another volume of short stories (Something Ends, Something Begins), but most of the short stories are not about Geralt at all. That's why it doesn't actually belong to the "saga".


netflix didn't actually publish any books, just the series with Henry Cavill in the title role. In the 8 episodes some of the short stories of the first two short story volumes are filmed. The series ends in such a way that it could continue with the entry into pentalogy.

If you don't know the books, you will sometimes be confused by the individual storylines in the series that play in different time levels.

But there's now a timeline website from Netflix where you can get an overview again…

Have lots of fun with it!