Witcher books German vs English version?

- in Movies

I was playing Witcher 3 at the time and was so happy when I heard that a Netflix film was coming. I saw it in German for the first time and I'm watching it in English.

Now I want to start reading the books too. Can you recommend me whether I should get the German or English.

Are there big differences between the books? Which do you like better.

In the pictures the German books look somehow twice as thick as the English ones and I've heard there are only 8 books in English and 9 in German how can that be.


Probably won't matter at all, since neither is the original language. The books were written in Polish by Andrzej Sapkowski. So you can go to the German edition, I had no problem with it. Since the books are written quite complex, English would only be suitable if you are good at it.