Different from other teenagers?

- in Free

I'm 14 years old, so still very young. So I'm right in the middle of what is called puberty.

All my friends like everyone in my tier watch Netflix series late into the night and all, while I read 5 books in 5 days last week and write my own on the side. I don't tell anyone about it because they always tell me how weird I'm and that I'm full of the freak. I'm not an outsider, by no means. But I often feel that way. I get along with my class and they get along with me. I'm actually a totally open person and because of my urge to be fair I have always somehow been the class representative, even if many do not like me because of that. I also find the jokes from the people in my class annoying, because they are often jokes about World War II. I've read a lot of books about it (it was clear: |) and I don't know anything funny about it. But still, many like me for my "sense of humor". But at the same time I'm a freak and weird, because I'm into books and all that. But why are you a freak then? What's so bad about reading and writing books? And why do people my age loathe books? I know people in my class who would annoy me every day if I told them that I read a lot (or worse: that I try to write a book). But when I was reading the book "The Path, the Story of an Escape to Freedom" in 5th grade, everyone found me strange. Why? What is so bad about it? Just because you're 14? Or 12/13/15/16?


Nowadays books are touched less often. I'm 14 myself and many from my class (Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium) don't read books.

And if someone like you shows up now, you will be perceived as boring / nerdy / freak because you differ with your preference. Still, I think you're cool, I'd love to be friends with you.

PS: You should ignore the guys with their stupid humor, if you tell them that their jokes are not funny at all, you will be hated. That's called black humor, and many people don't feel for it


It's so cool that you're interested in books too! It's really hard to find people my age who enjoy reading. And yes, you are right about the boys. Sometimes I find black humor not so bad at all, not only to see the world so seriously, but there are also limits, I think.


I don't call you a freak but like many others would do it uncool so I know almost no one where voluntarily reads books because with us there are always those who don't like a pig and have no friends and where they get stupid sayings


I don't read very often, 1 or 2 books a week

I recently started the Samurai series and before that I read the Bodyguard series, both by Chris Bradford.


Ok, and do you agree with that or do you even participate? Then you can only feel sorry for…


I don't think that's funny, but really very good. Reading educates and there's never anything wrong with that. I think it's a shame that you are called that way because as far as I know you are called "freak", "nerd" and I don't find anything wrong with that either. You can stand by who you are. If it is the case and they laugh about it because you read a lot, you can ask them what is so bad about it and why reading has suddenly become so "embarrassing".
keep it up, the people who really love you accept you and your hobbies! And by the way, I think it's super strong that you're writing your own book.


No, I don't do it, I have my friends and have a lot of humor and recently lost a girlfriend because she has developed into the girl where I hate the masses Well, it doesn't matter and I don't necessarily do that but I don't like people like that wherever make one smart and then be teacher's favorite


You are definitely not alone with that! I can tell you that I'm 14 too, and will be 15 this month, but have been reading very regularly since I was 13 and have fun with it.

I love when books captivate me and immerse myself in the stories. I always really empathize with the characters, and it often hurts when the book is over.

Nobody should judge you for your interests. Be proud of it. You are something special and not so standard!


Thank you very much for the motivation!


Why should that be bad? I'm in between. I like to watch series and films but prefer to write my own fanfiction and books.

If you want to keep it to yourself, it's your choice. As soon as you go to high school and then study, people usually grow up anyway and you tend to meet like-minded people.


Many thanks for your response! It's always so cool to hear people my age who love to be captivated by books.


Cool! When I've finished my current book cryptos, I'll be happy to read it!


Both in the action area


Believe me, reading is unpopular among children, it was the same 30 years ago ;-)