He never takes the time?


Me and my boyfriend are almost 3 months together now it is my first relationship and we're both 18.

He is currently writing Abi and that's why I haven't seen him in 3 weeks. I regularly ask for meetings but he never has time because he has to learn.
by the way, we live only 15 minutes away.

Well of course I accept that although I really miss him but have the feeling that he doesn't really do it. A message never comes where I miss you or something like that. He never calls.

We just write every day and had an appointment for tomorrow. He just canceled because he seems to have too much to learn. Well, I just have to accept it.
But often when I ask him what he is doing yesterday, he writes that he is watching Netflix or lying in bed

then I feel like a fool. He's not a 24 hour student and I bet we won't see each other for weeks because he hardly asks me when we'll see each other again.
Absolutely not in the first place for him that just makes me sad at the moment.


Well, you answered the question yourself.

He doesn't take you so seriously. 🤷🏻♂️ Maybe the euphoria is gone and the sex is still good. 🤷🏻♂️


You should show each other that you want this relationship. If this happens only one-sidedly, then this relationship makes no sense. Then he is not serious. Even if he was so busy, he could take his time one evening a week. You don't learn around the clock, and I think writing is much more time-consuming than if you make a quick phone call.


I understand that makes you sad. You try to see him and show him that you want him, but hardly anything comes back from him. It can get you pretty tired.
But the Abiphase is of course also a special case. You have to concentrate on school and learn. But since you live so close to each other, that's pretty stupid, because you could see each other for a short time, then you wouldn't stop him from learning too much.

He also has to show you that he tries to maintain the relationship. You may not be asking for meetings all the time. A relationship only works if both maintain it and you take care of each other.

You could try suggesting that you really only meet for an hour or so. Then you could also tell him that you feel that you are not a priority because talking about it on your cell phone usually ends up in chaos. If he doesn't respond, I would either try to call him and try to clarify it or just write him that you feel a little neglected.

But I also have to say that such conversations on the cell phone can often be misunderstood and therefore often do not take the desired course… So I would really only do this if he absolutely does not want to get involved in a meeting or phone call and it doesn't get any better at all.

I hope I was able to help you a little and I hope that it clears up soon!


It is your first relationship and you only know each other for 3 months. It starts with getting to know each other better.

If he's studying for high school, you should give him the time.

But often when I ask him what he is doing yesterday, he writes that he is watching Netflix or lying in bed.

Don't ask him what he did, if he then says something himself. How would you feel if he kept asking you what you did?

Keep busy with your things until he reports back.

You can be understood, but from here nobody can tell you why he behaves like this and whether it would not get better at all times.

If his graduation is so important to him, you shouldn't expect as a friend that you always come first in time.

Why don't you let him wait for a message from you and if he should ask why you don't hear from you, you can tell him that you didn't want to disturb him when he was studying.

But that you are happy if he can still breathe some time, so that you can at least see each other if you already live nearby, or you could visit him.

This is the only way to find out how big his feelings or his love for you are.

Then you will see how he reacts. But with allegations you can achieve the opposite.

If he has little time now, meet up with friends, he probably won't expect you to sit at home and wait for him all the time.