Almost 16 and have no real friends?


Hi, I have a wish and would like some advice on how to fulfill it. And I would like to have real friends or real social contacts with whom I go out, eat, go to the cinema. In other words, I would like to be a teenager but I have no friends. At least none with which I could do all these things. I have school "friends" with whom I can always talk at school, but as soon as I get home it gets quiet. And now it's not like I haven't tried to do anything with them. The problem is that they have no desire to do anything. Not explicitly with me but in general they prefer to gamble. And I've often considered what to do with other classmates from my school. But then it occurs to me that I go to an assi school, go to the people with whom I would rather not have anything to do if you understand. I have already considered going to a (basketball) club or plan to do it as soon as possible because of this corona thing. But are there other ways to get to know people other than 15 years old from NRW who do not go to school? Groups, communities etc. Because when I think about the summer holidays and I have to gamble, watch netflix or fool around for 6 weeks, I start to cry.


It is not that easy, have been doing it for 18 years and die ^^

You have to change yourself and become interesting

So what I've been failing all my life


Sports clubs, youth clubs etc. Are opportunities to get to know friends in real life.

That is the curse of the Internet and the friends who are not there. Real life is broken.


I don't think that's a good idea. Real friends would accept him as he is


If it changes to please others, it's like a lie and you become unhappy.


Look at me and you will think differently

You break down, psychologically