How can I persuade my crush to sleep with a girlfriend?


So first of all my crush and I are best friends and we have known each other since kindergarten so we have known each other forever

Recently I noticed that I like him and my best friend suggested that he and I can sleep with her but he said he doesn't want to

I asked him for a reason and he just said that he would rather lie alone in bed at night and watch Netflix

Do you perhaps know what the arguments for this are or do you have ideas for an alternative or a compromise?


He just doesn't like you.


Yes wow but we're just best friends and you can sleep with him 🤦🏽♀️


Maybe he just doesn't know what to do together.

You could also put everything on one card and give him a chance of sexual intercourse.


He can surely guess what you're up to.

Maybe you should just offer him to stay with you without your girlfriend, I bet he'll say yes.


Why did he tell me the last time that he can't imagine that I would like him at some point and so he probably doesn't expect something like that


It's still my best friend there haha and offered him to play monopoly and other cool board games which he always wanted to play, you might have ideas what else haha


Then don't ask him.


Do you understand the question at all


Did you try that?