Meet boy you have never seen before?

- in Free

Hi. I've been writing with a boy I like a lot for almost 2 months. He also has to do with people who know him very well, but we have never met in person.

Today he asked for a meeting what I was waiting for. However, I absolutely don't know what we can do. We haven't written about it yet, but I'd like to 'think of' something.

I'm 17, he's 20.

Somehow it would be strange to meet at the very first meeting (when you see each other for the first time) at your house and watch Netflix bin (but I'm not averse to this, please feel free to give your opinion in the answer)

I only met Netflix with my ex at the first meeting, but we were friends before, I never met him personally.

Happy suggestions and opinions.


I would never do it

go to mini golf or eat ice cream


Maybe having a relaxed meal together or something. Picnics in the park or in the garden


I also wrote to a man for two months and then met.

We have been married for more than 10 years now…


I would definitely not go alone, please listen to me one of my best friends something bad happened at such a meeting.