Does not she want more than friendship? What should I do now?


Have a friend at a party a girl met, which I really sympathetic and is also very pretty. We then saw each other twice at parties, then I wrote them down and wrote a little bit with her and invited her to join Netflix. I just tried to build up a lot of physical contact with her and then she was in her arms and she was lying on my chest. Think that I have already shown that I want something from her. I thought she was pretty nice with her and I think she liked it, but I did not kiss her. Now you have written with my friend what is between us us she said she just wants me as a friend and not anymore. Could it be that she said that because she is still unsure. So far, she has never had a boyfriend. See you at a party the day after tomorrow. What should I do now, would like to know that there's something going on.


Just escalate once and you have your answer. I mean, at least until the kiss on the lips.

If she does not want, move on - you are looking for something other than you and you want a girl who is looking for someone like you?

The biggest things you regret are the ones we never dared to do.

I wish you success. No matter in which direction.


Yes, I try to kiss her, I have before, but did not quite dare, or did not find the right moment


Hmm, does not look good for you. If it is true that she is currently only uncertain, then you can ask her how she imagines the further relationship between the two of you. Especially if she has never had a boyfriend, it can be so. Talk to her for clarity. However, it is difficult to let her have the needed time but still get a quick fix. Because you should not put pressure on them. That would be counterproductive.

It is understandable that you would like to start something with her. You should, however, dampen your hopes that it will work. I appreciate your chances of 1: 3 against you. But 25% is still better than zero. So try your luck!


Should I ask her the day after tomorrow if she wants to do something to me a second time?


Yes absolutely!


What do you want sex or relationship?

For a relationship you go too much, so it's probably about sex.

That will not be so, because she does not want it. I would have advised her too.


Exactly women and men love forced kisses. Hopefully there's a slap in the face.


Relationship, how should I do it according to you?


Or you can only be malicious


Let's be honest - it will never be the "right" moment.

Suddenly attacking them, are weird - will later be a funny story, especially if it works with you, but no

Talk to her, laugh with her, tell her something and listen to her - you're wondering now how?

Do not think so much! You like them? Then you want to get to know them better. Ask her about her favorite childhood memories, her food, movies or hobbies - if someone else has real hobbies these days.

Be interested in her - what you are - so the most important is already there. Do not pretend you want her to like you and not a fictional character.

The best was learned and experienced, after many disappointments;

Do not lie, do not fool me, be pure myself and be happy about it. Smile about the weaknesses. Self-humor is an unbeatable weapon. With all the girls with whom it does not work - you do not want them at your side.

So have fun.

If you feel that it is "tingling" right now, just say under 4 eyes and close enough that you want to kiss her. "Men make clear announcements": D

Or it just fits and you just kiss her spontaneously.

Show her that she should rather be honest and reject you than give you false hopes - that's the most painful.


The saying would now be a slap on the but attached to nasty behavior and yes, I know then comes the resounding slap - but so is self-humor.


Yes, thank you, was the most helpful answer

The one with which I try to kiss her, was not meant that I just kiss her, I would not dare… Then I would have asked… 😂


If you "ask" afterwards, be self-confident. Especially girls are often "unsure", where it is clear with us. Be the rock-solid surf for her. Open up "I feel a special bond and that's why I want to try it (with more than just friends)" If it stops, it's just like that. The main thing you had fun and a nice time.

Download the book "Praise of Sexism" and read it all or on the fast the necessary chapters. I read this book 3 times in 15 years to see how I "developed" myself.

BUT: You decide on your own what you believe and obey from the book. It helped me to "step up", to be more myself and to be proud of it - everyone should.


If you were to try that in reality, which I doubt you would be able to do it abruptly, which I doubt on the ground with an ouch on the lips.


I dare everything that befits men, I want more if I were not one.


Now she has asked for another meeting and she has promised directly


Brave is the one who has the fear and still does it. And there's fear for that - to be overcome. (For dangerous testimonials, it's braver to say no than to do it - but different topic)

Have fun ^^ do not make you crazy. Enjoy the time with genuine joy.

Your opinion on the story? ma magicalmeasly