Friendship Plus would like to do something together?


I have had a friendship plus with my work colleague for almost 7 months. We knew each other about 1 month after we ended up in the box at a party at my home. We were both freshly separated, so it more or less happened because we probably. Were lonely. After that we met again and again once or twice a week.

At first it was mostly just watching Netflix for 1-2 hours, then sex and about 30 minutes later she is home. I think she was still attached to her ex-partner. That was always the rough process. Then at some point we also started doing other things, so playing something together or Shishan etc. We also had a drink with her best friend from time to time, but always only with me. (She also lives with her parents) She is 19 I 21.

Now somehow I have the feeling that it has been a little more intense between us for almost a month. She often stays 1-2 hours after sex and we cuddle, but also talk to each other more from time to time. (Often only after sex, before that we often don't know what to say.) She is generally more cautious. She recently took one of my t-shirts home with her. Now she has a new profile picture with my t-shirt on Insta + Whatsapp. Your status on Whatsapp has been a heart for almost 2 weeks. (But it can also be because of her best friend) Sometimes when, for example, I make a pout or something she kisses me and says I'm so cute.

Well, we now meet 2-3 times a week and we usually see each other again relatively quickly. Now she asked me if we want to go to a bar together on Friday for something to eat and drink. I also said once that I was still at a restaurant like this and then she said: we have to go there too.

What do you think about that? I mean clearly it's called friendship + on the other hand, before that it wasn't a real friendship but rather a sone sex relationship to talk to something and we just work together. On Whatsapp, for example, we hardly ever write to this day. Mostly only when we make an appointment or for a short while about work.

Sometimes she's a little weird too. Sounds like that now. Funny, but I've got a few stains on the sheets. (from sex) and I said to her the other day. I always have to wash my sheets when you're here. Then she said: But they are not all mine. Girlsover here? According to the motto here are other girls. I said to her: you are not serious, right? You: Fun

What do you think about that? Is there more development or am I interpreting too much?

Would be super nice to get an objective opinion from outside!


Which bar do you want to go to? Everything is closed.

Just talk openly about what it is that you have there. Is it an affair An f +, or should there probably. Become a relationship out of it?

you have never resolved that and this is falling on your feet now. Just think about what you actually want.


Do you want more from her? If so, then it could be that you see it differently as she or she also wants more than F +, both possible. But you should talk to her about it soon because if it is not then you should end it


Sounds like something more is developing. If you want that too, ok, if not, you should see how you can get that across in a friendly way. A clarifying conversation would be best.




Well, bars are open again, just outside. With us, at least in Schleswig Holstein. Restaurants have also reopened outside.

The problem is, how do I talk to her about it? As you say we never talked about what that is between us. I don't want to end up like someone who wants what from her if she doesn't feel that way


I don't want to end up like someone who wants what from her if she doesn't feel that way

what do you feel Or what do you want?


I always find the time with her very nice and I'm happy when she comes to me. So I feel something for you. On the other hand, you can't have good conversations with her because, as I said, she is very reserved and generally speaking. Very little and although we've had sex for 7 months, we still can't talk about anything before sex. Usually only after that? But when we talk about something, it's also very nice.

I asked her about 1 month after we had F + about what it was between us. Then she said: no idea don't know about you? But then it didn't seem as if she wanted more. Her boyfriend broke up with her too, with me it was the other way around, she probably wanted to. Just not a relationship for now.

So: if I ask her about it, she will say 100%: I don't know about you, according to the motto I should tell you first. But what if I then say: I already feel something for you? In the end she doesn't say me, ends the whole thing and then we work together every other day and I'm the one who wanted more. I don't want to look like that either? Is there no way to formulate it in such a way that she doesn't directly think that I want something from her safe?


I just want to put it well that on the one hand I find out what she wants, on the other hand I don't say exactly what I want, sounds strange but would be the best solution for me ^^


This is what you should think about before doing anything with someone from work…

if you got the note from elementary school now, would you go with me, what would you tick?


Then you should also stand by it.
Just ask her what it is all about for her and how she envisions it in the future. If she says don't know you say just say no. I asked you and I would like an answer from you. You can also think about it first and answer the days. I think it's just grown up to sort this out before there's any drama.


Yes, more will probably develop over time. The longer an F + goes, the more likely it is that at least one person will develop feelings. And since you're asking that question, it has likely happened to you too. For her, it may still be developing. By the way, my friend and I also got together at an f +.


We had a friendship plus relationship for all of 7 years.

I've been married to him for over 20 years now. If there's an awkward silence, just ask her how her day was or similar trivial things. I don't think you read anything into it. Cuddle longer, she would like to go out with you (and thus be seen with you in public), she is a little jealous and tries to find out if there's still something going on with others…