How many Mbit / s do you need alone?


Soon I'll be moving into my own apartment how many Mbit / s do I need there

Gamble mainly online or stream Sky or Netflix.

Sometimes my girlfriend is there (usually over the weekend) and both run in parallel

How many Mbit / s do I need? Is 50 or 100 enough? Should already run smoothly


I wouldn't go under 50.

From 100 you can download games quite quickly, we have 200 and I find that fast enough for 2 gamers and 2 normal internet users. But would like to have more, especially when looking at other countries and how much faster everything would download.


The 50 Mbit / s is enough to watch two 4K streams at the same time, that should be enough for one person alone.


What if 4k stream and online gaming go together?


This is not a problem. You don't need a lot of bandwidth to gamble.


With a 50 Mbit line, 5 people can still stream in 1080p without a problem. At 4k it shrinks to 2-3 people. But gaming and Netflix is easy at the same time. And surfing on FB or Instagram doesn't use up bandwidth on a 50 line. More than 50 makes sense to me as a power user. Either you are a content creator and need the upload. Or you are extremely busy downloading. If one or both does not apply, 50mbit is sufficient. I can give you e.g. Say. 1000mbit (gigabit) is sometimes bad, for example, because your own line is faster than the server capacity from which you want to download 🤣


For 2 gamers and normal internet use, even 16 Mbit is enough apart from downloading. What do you people think these days? At that time I was streaming internet radio and gambling. With a whopping 768 DSL. That is not 1mbit.


And what about 50 Mbit / s if I want to download something and watch Netflix on the side? Games are in the 70-100GB range for download or major updates on the ps4


In the modem e.g. Simply prioritize Fritzbox. Just give priority to the TV or something. The bandwidth that is left over is divided among everything else


And how can I do that with the prioritize? Netflix runs on ps4. I'm sorry, don't have a clue


A 32 Mbit / s line is sufficient to stream three full HD video streams for hours without interruption, and then only 6 GB of video data per hour are generated.

So treat yourself to 50 Mbit / s and you are safe for yourself, your girlfriend and your mates, who will of course be happy to visit you because of your new place. Or treat yourself to 100 Mbit / s, if you should need higher upload rates of 40 Mbit / s.


It is enough but download the latest games that have almost 100GB or more with a 16Mbit line.

You can leave the PC on all day or night and no longer use the Internet itself. Time is money as they say, or is your electricity free?

The data traffic in current games is also different than it was back then. I have also played games at 256kbits but that is no longer possible these days. When I'm on the assembly line and only have 600kbits, current games will run out.


50k should be enough even for 2 people.

When it comes to gaming, however, I would use 100k because the game download takes forever or you can throttle it better so that you don't disturb the other.


There are instructions for routers on the Internet. Simply prioritize IPTV on the device and you're done. It's very easy in itself. Just different from router to router. To be honest, Fritzbox has implemented most of the options and simply implemented it


But then it doesn't work if I download on the ps4 and then watch Netlfix on the device?


Well, with such large files, I usually go to sleep mode, but it probably doesn't make a difference


Yes, on the console, but not on the PC. In addition, as I said, the Internet is hardly usable. Nobody can watch films, gamble, etc.

A game with 100GB would take 14 hours at 16 Mbit


And at 50 Mbit / s? I don't have any math anymore, I think you realize 😂

I always start such downloads overnight, so far I haven't had any problems


With 50 Mbit around 4 1/2 hours and with 100 Mbit around 2 hours. With both numbers, however, you have more freedom.


Thanks, I think I'll take 50 because I'm either away or asleep at the time of the download