DSL vs fiber optic line?


A question for experts.

I currently have a 200 Mbit cable from Vodafone and I'm not satisfied because the speed jumps up and down and sometimes we have no connection in the family. Now I have terminated the contract and it will expire after 2 months. Now I have the choice between:

(1 & 1, 250 Mbit, DSL, 40 euro monthly)

(Telecom, 250 Mbit, DSL, 55 euro monthly)

(M-Net, 100 Mbit, fiber optics, 40 euro monthly).

What is the difference between 1&1 and Telekom except price?

Does it make more sense to take the 250 DSL instead of 100 fiber optics?

Family information:

1 person gamer

2 people stream YouTube videos / Netflix / IPTV

At the weekend all 3 use at the same time!


Ask a neighbor who has DSL how stable the line is…

Almost every provider has fiber optics in the street… But the "last mile" is still mostly copper or coax…

and M-Net 100 doesn't sound like fiber optics right into the house…


DSL comes over the telephone line that is already in the house.

M-Net first has to put the fiber optic into the house. This usually costs quite a bit of money. You should inquire beforehand. The decision fiber optics / DSL may already have been made.

1&1 uses the Telekom lines. So there's a need for coordination here. If you take Telekom, everything comes from a single source. There are potentially fewer problems, but the price difference of 15 euro per month is not a small one.


Whoever has a choice is spoiled for choice

I'm of course convinced of us as a provider, even if we're a bit more expensive, because in addition to the quality of the connection, good service is also a not unimportant factor. For us, the customer always comes first, which is why we're here, among other things, supporting users.

If you have specific questions for us or just want to be called for a consultation, I'm happy to be there for you. For this purpose just fill in my https://www.telekom.de/...ecked=true.

Warm regards Nadine B.