Do I have a problem with my cannabis use?


First and foremost, I want to make it clear that I know that I'm more or less dependent on cannabis (at least that is confirmed by all websites and forums) - but that's not what my post is about. I would rather like to find out if I myself should have a problem with my consumption - because I don't have it.

To me: I'm 19 years old, I successfully graduated from high school last year and am currently working until my studies in autumn 2020. I have been smoking pot every day since I started my community service. It started because I always had 12h shifts at the Red Cross and therefore most of the time after working with my day, I could not do anything more than put me to bed, watch Netflix and, of course, to smoke.

In my current work it is almost the same (!): If I have late shift, I come home at the earliest 22:30 and a smoke is almost the only thing I can "look forward to". The difference with my new job is, however, that if I have early shift, the whole day is still in front of me and I therefore do not want to kiffen because the day would be dirty for me otherwise.

I'm generally a very active person and I hate nothing to do so I do not like to smoke during the day, except I have no plans and Kiffen IS my occupation, but that rarely happens.

Some of my friends are doing it differently, because they are all about kiffen, to the point that they sometimes want to whistle and gamble for days and even do something when it comes to kiffen. I've already caught myself a few times thinking that "I could stay at home and smoke, would be comfortable too" - but it's just not in my nature to do that.

The question I always ask myself is whether I have a problem with my consumption or not, since I find that I'm not restricted by it, as it is attributed to "classical" Potheads.

I just think it's nice after work, if I did not do any more, smoke one and make the boring lying around more "exciting". Am I worried too much, or am I just telling myself that I have no problem?


Brother… Everything is fine


Those who use drugs themselves naturally want to drag as many others as possible into the swamp.


So if your statements correspond to the truth and you do not lie in your own pocket, then I find such a consumption absolutely in the frame. I can completely understand every single word. You look very pensive, reflected and ordered and if it sweetens you the evening after a long day at work: why not? I think a Feierabendjoint just as alarming as a Feierabendbier, namely not at all.

In my opinion, it is only important that you continue to keep a close eye on your consumption and that the joint does not become several in the evening or that you smoke because you are stressed / bad-tempered etc. This is how often a real addiction spiral begins.

However, you might consider switching to a vaporizer for health reasons. So you can also do without tobacco (if you should use it at all);)

All the best!


Phew, I'm EXACTLY like you! Nobody ever believes that I smoke pot every day because I just get everything "baked" and I'm anything but stupid. Unfortunately, my friends reflect exactly the same problem as your smoking pot friends: smoking is the number one topic and without it is absolutely out of the question.

So unfortunately I have no answer to your question, but personally I'm reassured that I'm not "alone" thanks to your question.


Yes, that's exactly


Then I show solidarity and would like to support you in all matters soon!