Feeling uncomfortable days after smoking weed?


I'm 15 years old and come from Berlin. Before c.a. 5 days I consumed a little weed but really very little so c.a. 0.4-0.5g as I get high very quickly. I've smoked a little more often. It was a blunt as I didn't want to smoke tobacco as I'm currently successfully quitting if that matters. In any case, I smoked it in the evening and got a bath trip a little later. I was able to calm down well, drank a lot of water, watched Netflix and Youtube and waited until it stopped. When I woke up the next morning, everything was actually quite normal. I was just a little gossiped, whatever was. However, the days after that I was less and less motivated and even the smallest things like eating were a big task for me. Then over time I felt pretty weird. I had outbursts of fear and very unpleasant thoughts kept coming back. I tried to distract myself a lot and went out a lot. I feel like I perceive the world differently and I'm very tired all the time. I'm now taking Life Balance 900 again, which has always accompanied me when I was a little depressed and has helped me a lot. In any case, everything is very weird and I ride myself a little too deeply. I try to do a lot of sport and spend as little time alone as possible. However, all the time I'm afraid that I have psychosis or something else. I've had a bath trip before and after that I felt weird too, but it went away and now it's all a little bit worse. In addition, I'm a little depressed and desperate because I just want to have a normal life again. I will stop using cannabis in the future as I know it will only harm me. However, I have needed it recently because I do the same thing every day due to Corona. I hope someone can clarify a little and calm me down a little.


Blunt = grass in tobacco leaf, what you mean is a joint.

You didn't have a trip either because cannabis is not a psychedelic.

The next thing is that you are underage and shouldn't smoke weed at all, as this can then affect your brain development. Of course, it is still questionable whether what you described is due to the bit of weed or that it was weed with synthetic cannabinoids.

In any case, I would go to the doctor.

Quit smoking what now? Lo LongingLucca5598