How do I get rid of the feeling of emptiness?


I've had this feeling for 2 years now… And until yesterday I didn't know what it was… I remember the moment in my bed where it started… This feeling, neither happy nor sad, just empty. I knew that I had to do something, knew but not how. Then after a while I let go.
This feeling good company and then I said goodbye spiritually. (Insta, Snap deleted, games downloaded. Before that I didn't have any real friends, except for a relatively good one who went to another class, then none at all. I was actually a happy one, sporty, motivated boy. Had fun in life.)
The problem / the emptiness was already my life, but I didn't care because I was full of pressure, stress, fear, just a small spark of fun and joy in remembering my life. Gambling all day, watching Youtube, Netflix series, PMO, "fear" and feelings of stress when thinking about school, society etc…

Now I have no ideas, I don't know what to do, I watch videos and try to implement them, but they only seem to help a little and not to be the key.

Has anyone ever experienced inner emptiness?

Or does someone know how to get rid of the feeling?


Everyone has probably experienced the feeling of emptiness for more or less long.

I think watching TV and surfing the Internet reinforces this feeling.

I would recommend reading good books. For example, today I wasted the whole day uselessly here on this forum. That made me pretty depressed now. I will continue reading my book right now…


Yes. Find hobbies, activities that you can pursue that you enjoy. That helped me alot. Or do sports.


Fill with hobbies and work