Payment you would like to use seems to be a problem. Please try another payment method. Netflix?


My name is Edwin and I have a problem, but I can't register with Netflix by debit, error message: "The payment you would like to use seems to be a problem, please try one other payment method. " and yes I'm under 18 and my parents gave me permission [but only that I have to pay it myself]

I already wrote the IBAN, but it did not work! I have given my real data and therefore no "fake it", but I have entered a fake age, I also do not want to ask the Netflix support, I'm scared for reasons like: "You're still too young for it" etc…

Apropo Payment: I can't paypal + credit card is probably logical that I have none.


Evt. Can you look at the account number or the data, how old the owner of this account is. It's best that your parents make a netflixaccount and you give them the monthly fee