Amazon doesn't understand my problem?


I don't do a lot with banking, so to be honest I use banking 90% only for Amazon, Netflix and Steam. So I hardly keep an eye on my account and keep depositing cash so that everything stays exactly as it should be.

Yesterday I noticed that my account is no longer covered and I immediately deposited money so that I wouldn't have any problems. Unfortunately, I had to notice that Amazon had already debited 7.99, I got negative and the bank sent the invoice back so to speak and gave me my money again. (plus a great fee).

Of course, I have no desire for problems and have contacted Amazon Support and explained what the problem was. After a little time that the contact used to "research" he said that Amazon had debited the amount twice and I will get my money back in the next 3 working days.

You may already see the problem, but Amazon Support doesn't. I told him that I think I'm more likely to be the one who owes Amazon money, but the support assured me no and whether I have another concern.

I may not be a banking professional, but as I understand it I get the 7.99 again, -Amazon pays me 7.99 for this prime month, so to speak.

Sounds pretty nice for me but I really don't feel like 7.99 and a support who probably didn't understand my problem to get stressed if you understand. Should I do something else, or maybe wait, do you think nothing will happen or do you think there will be even more problems.


Wait and do nothing. You made no mistake. ^ _ ^


Just have a look at your bank statement - you have online banking - don't you?!


Wait and see, who is too stupid loses his job and then has more time to smoke pot


Well, actually, my account wasn't funded enough at first. Then the return due to lack of cover and… Now again a return? Not that I'm supposed to have "manipulated" the support somehow or some nonsense, I just want to pay the money I owe Amazon


That's exactly why. Amazon once charged me 7.99, then I got a return due to lack of cover and then I wrote to Amazon.


Haha, well I hope nobody loses his job because of me


Then call through, it's clear


So the 7.99 euro have not been paid yet?! Either you transfer the amount or Amazon charges the 7.99 euro again… 😂


I think you expected that there might be people with similar problems here, understand, sry misinterpreted, so that maybe this is a common problem, sry


So I wrote Amazon but the support said they deducted the amount twice and I said no, but the support still assured me I don't owe Amazon any money 😭😂 you understand my problem?


Nothing was debited into the minus? It just didn't run?

Then it may have overlapped. So that through the payment the amount went to those who have already initiated a second collection. So Amazon got money from you twice. At least that is how it sounds to me.

What is on your bank statement? Was it now successfully debited after you deposited?


I wasn't hoping that someone had similar problems, just if someone could tell me if I could get problems because of the stuff: ')


First, money was debited to me, then, since I was in the minus, there was a return for lack of funds, I covered my account and wrote to the support as I didn't feel like problems - the support said that they had debited the money from me too often and I get a refund. In the chat I said that I had to give Amazon the money, but the support didn't insure me. To put it in numbers, the only bookings I had with Amazon at the moment were -7.99 and +7.99 through the return, and now support wants to give me 7.99 again.


Ohh hmm, VERY INTERESTING, did you record the calls? I think if they haven't recorded, they'll have more problems if they start doing something about it. Anyway, the telecom is still interposed, amazon should be a thorn in the eye anyway.


That was not a call but the support chat, I'm really too tired for a call 😂


Oh, um, complicated. Maybe call the bank and ask.


That probably has less to do with the bank. I probably shouldn't have used the support chat at 2 a.m.: ')


In any case, they could tell you whether more went away, which is not yet to be seen on the excerpts, whether any payments are required.

Or maybe call Amazon again at noon, whereby I tend to always write emails with such money, so you always have something in writing. If he then wrote the same thing again as the guy told you, then you are no longer guilty because you really wanted to be cooperative. Then you can present it at any time. So have this confirmed by email. (And keep the email you wrote. If necessary, send it with a read receipt.)


Critical situation, that was no german customer support i suppose?


This is probably the first time in my life that I have problems because a company does not want to take my money. I will probably just have to use the chat again at noon


Yes, but already spoken German. Yes. Not really flawless


After a failed direct debit, you will receive an email from Amazon with the bank details and purpose, which you must transfer yourself. However, there are additional costs due to the failed direct debit.


That means just wait or should I write to support again today


Waiting. Is an automatic process. Takes a few days after the debit.