With girls for two on the couch. She sits in the other corner, how do I break the ice and get closer to her?


I have the following problem. It has happened a few times that a friend was visiting, we were sitting on the couch for two and watched netflix (were different girls). The problem is that they always sit in the corners of the sofa and cringe when I try to move closer to her or put my arm around. How do I break the ice and can I sit on the couch with her in my arms without completely embarrassing myself? 😅


Just annoy them a little in the sense of tickling them or something.

Get up yourself again because you have to get something, e.g. Chips and then get closer


I always said I'm cold. But only works in winter. With 30 degrees and attic apartment, well I would rather not try


If she is already sitting (you are not yet), sit next to it.

If you are sitting far away, offer her something to drink or something and if you bring it to her, you give it directly to her and sit next to it.


Haha i even bring it in summer, it always works


Real talk?


Get up and cheers her, then take a seat next to her.


When a girl demonstratively sits in the opposite corner of the sofa, she wants to keep her distance. That is clear enough. If you then try to put your arm around her, you shouldn't be surprised. With a lady you never fall into the house with the door.

Since the meeting takes place in your home, after she has sat down, go to the kitchen and get 2 glasses and a drink. You put the glasses on the table, pour something into both, give her a glass, tell her you're happy that she came, and if there's a reason she's sitting so far away from you.

Then she has to say something.


Yes, it's probably because I'm a girl. It's easier ^^


Oh, yes, you're probably right there