How to get used to normal life again?


I've been at home since February-March because of Corona, and on August 18th I have to go back to school. Since I've been at home for a very long time, I'm no longer used to getting up in the morning and generally having a regular daily routine. How can I get used to it again quickly without completely screwing up the first days of school because I'm simply not used to this regular daily routine? I mean I don't do anything all day. My daily routine looks like this: Depending on what kind of sleep rhythm I have to get up from 10 a.m. To 4 p.m., eat, gamble, watch Netflix and then go to sleep at midnight, as I said, depending on what my sleep schedule is.


That is, Corona demands self-discipline from each individual. Stop the gambling first, go to sleep BEFORE midnight, TV off! There's no silver bullet here - it is a question of will!


Just go to bed earlier and set the alarm clock and go out during the day until your body is tired in the evening.


You can quickly get back to your normal daily rhythm, get up a few times early and you are tired early in the evening and go to bed earlier.

In order to make the change before 18.8. To manage - start setting the alarm a few days earlier, getting up and going to bed early.


I've also been home since mid-March and will be back to school on Monday.

Because I had the wrong sleep rhythm…

(In the homeschooling period got up at 8 and went to bed at 23)

(during the holidays also got up at 8 but went to bed 11-23)

… I did it for the last two weeks of vacation in such a way that I neither got used to the sleep rhythm of school time… (22 in bed, 6 o'clock)

That helps me start the first day of school well and fit


Then start NOW. From TODAY evening you will go back to bed at your normal time. And out tomorrow morning at a normal time. Do something, no matter what, but don't hang around in front of the PC, at least not in the morning.


Going to bed earlier doesn't help. You don't fall asleep Ann. Setting the alarm a little earlier every day and getting up is the right way to go.


Then you just lie up for a night. And of course: you get up early when the alarm goes off. After the day you will be flat. Especially when you're not just bumbling


Lying awake in bed for hours is wasted time. I write this from experience - EARLY - it is now, my day without regulation was also pushed back more and more. But lying awake for hours in bed: really wasted time that can even cause sleep disorders.

Now I have the opposite problem - it's harder to deal with.


It's about ONE day. He'll probably have the time - nothing else to do.

alternatively you can of course go through it