What's happening? With me? What should I do? Am I depressed?


Lately I'm not in a good mood any more. I'm dissatisfied with myself. I do not feel as beautiful as I used to. Then life is not fun for me. There's nothing to look forward to. Even when I go to sleep, I think that I should do it quickly because I have to go back to work tomorrow and after that it is again so I feel so cold. I do not joke anymore I do not care about anything I'm in the fight against myself I'm unfriendly. People are too boring for me. My life is so monotonous and annoys me. I used to believe in myself and did what I liked every day. Nothing is fun anymore. I'm working. Go home. Eat something. Look at netflix. Sleep. And so on. I usually do not do anything because not much money is left. The only good thing is my house cat and my fiancé. I used to be in a family that was big. We have distanced ourselves from each other. Does it matter? I only see strangers and me. And I do not remember who I'm or what I want… And people need to sleep to be strong for work, etc. It all seems so strange to me but it seems to be normal… I work for my pension. But I'll do it for the future. The present I live in is not happy or satisfied. As a result, this also affects my future. I do not see any sense. I wake up in the morning totally damaged as if a car had rolled over me. I just feel miserable. Food at least makes me a little happier. I find myself unstylic, do not have much money and look every day more like a penner.

I; 24, female


Talk to friends or family and go out more often, e.g. Celebrate. There you can get ready with those friends and then have fun together. Try to see life as positive and be grateful for what you have! Do not worry so much, everyone is unmotivated, it is only important that you get out of the hole again! And if that does not help, you can Call the number against grief (this is anonymous, and you can talk to someone) or, if necessary, go to the doctor if it is very bad.

Get well!


Thank you


Thank you


Nothing to thank for