Something strange is happening to me?


So let's start. About 1 week ago I was with my girlfriend (she lives near me, 5 min walk to home) it was around 11 p.m. I decided to sleep with her but my parents called and said I should come home because of corona and afterwards I went home. The next time I went to her again, but only at 1 a.m. Because I was traveling in front of it. Dan happened the following: She told me that her mother came to her crest and said "Your girlfriend left home yesterday at 3am" My girlfriend Dan said no, she left at 11pm I accompanied her to the door. Dan said her mother when she went home at 3 a.m. Yesterday, she slammed the door so hard that I woke up from it, I first looked at you but you slept, then I looked out the window and I ran her close see. The funny thing is that the same night I woke up at 3 a.m. From nothing.

that was about 2 weeks ago now we come to tonight

I watched Netflix Dan was around 2 a.m. I wanted to sleep but had a strange feeling then I heard something break in the kitchen like Teller Dan suddenly my parents woke up and went straight to the bathroom and showered (one after the other) I'm dan fell asleep because I felt safer. I got up at 5 a.m. My parents were still there, my mother came in and said I thought I should have heard you scream for God's sake or something like that said I fell asleep with fear at 7 a.m. And at 8 again I woke up bad and had the strong feeling that I had to throw up, then I got up and a little liquid comb out.

What do you think? However, you should know that this is not the first time that such things have happened to me


I only understand half of the text because of your lack of grammar knowledge. Sorry.


And that's why, dear children, spelling and grammar is also important on the Internet.

Unfortunately only understand half. Who is this Dan that you talk about all the time?


What is this messy narrative? Your spelling is disastrous.

We're banned from going out - where were you in the middle of the night?
You should not maintain contacts outside of the family! Don't visit a girlfriend either!
If strangers sneak into your apartment and slam doors at night, the lock changes.


Almost had a stroke trying to read this…


Please use the time to learn German properly. Your spelling is an absolute disaster. Plus, you shouldn't go out anyway, so stick with it.


Um… What's the question now? Somehow I'm thinking of "Brian's life": And a time of confusion will come…


Not all German Federal states are prohibited from going out.


Soso - dreamer.


Here in By. You can go out alone or with your family. Etc


You go for a walk during the day when the sun is shining - not at night!

And you shouldn't meet friends or even visit!