Find a balance between online life and real life?


So I have a little problem that I've been thinking about for the past few days. I'm just 17, I exercise 3 times a week and I have a handful of friends. Still, I sit around a lot in front of the computer instead of doing something, and the problem is not that I couldn't, but simply that I can't get myself up. I'm actually quite open and in no way socially incompetent or shy.

Unfortunately it is easier to sit down in front of the PC than to take care of something. I also find it a bit strange always asking the same 3-5 friends to do something, no idea whether I'm telling myself it's strange or not, but I've decided to change something.

I notice that this video game phase is simply over and that I want to see something of the world too. I don't want to give up my video games / Netflix and the like, but at least reduce them significantly, find a good balance.

But I have no idea how to start, unfortunately at the moment because of Corona. If someone can help me, or has experienced something similar, I would be happy to receive an answer. Cheers.


Well, if it were that easy ^^ thanks for the answer!