Why is our society so fragile today?


Both from the psyche and from the body.

If I just touch someone, they collapse and howl. Or as soon as your favorite Netflix series has been canceled you are depressed.

What went wrong?

Personally, I'm 15 / w and I'm already very emotional, but when someone hurts me physically, I don't scream. For example, I once went swimming with my class. Hardly anyone has done anything other than the candle from the diving tower and everyone jumped from the 1 and only a few from the 3. And I… I jumped from the 3 with a somersault, the first was good, the second, well, back clap. Nobody laughed at me except my ex bff. After I got out of the water, it didn't hurt any more, but my ex bff said until the end of school that it could only hurt. Nope because I can take pain off.

Why is it that no one can cope with pain these days and has no confidence in themselves?

And why is everyone depressed right after a relatively negative experience?


Because of the helicopter parents.


So I have to say, I don't feel that way at all. But you are right that many teenagers get depressed with the smallest problems.


Unfortunately I do not agree with you.

in my opinion the old ones are fragile. You touch them once and they'll fall over


70% of people don't even have depression these days, you just have to feel a little bit sick and you already have depression


Haha but that's because you have already lived your time and now have a weak body


Yes, I think most of the time they just imagine it and want attention with it or whatever


Because the children and adolescents have been doing too well for the past 30-40 years. These are the effects of the affluent society and wrong upbringing.

The children and adolescents are partly used to the fact that the offer has grown and that everything is partly unlimited. They don't know what it means to forego.

The parents kept everything negative away from the children. Bad experiences, hardships. The children never learned to deal with disappointments and failures because they were always the kings and winners.

Maybe that was well meant, but a big mistake. Life is not a pony farm. The "packing in cotton wool" does not help. There are ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and you win and lose. The children have to learn that. This also means that they often hear the word "no".

You can see it in the schools when the parade of the parents' taxis pulls up. As a child, I ran to school every day and back home in the afternoon. Later I took the tram all over the city to school and when I was in training, I traveled 60 kilometers there and back by train every day.

If a child or young person has to travel by bus or train these days, it is a disaster. But not only for the child, but also for the parents. They are usually even worse off than their children.


Usually some people laugh more when things don't go well (this jump…).

A real flat-headed / belly slap and you can be told that again at every suitable and unsuitable opportunity.

You'd better leave it out completely and nobody laughs…


I'm just brave and also want to fly at the looks, if it has to because I want to experience sacjen


This is the (actually) usual way. Without trying it and blowing your nose, you won't ride your bike.