We have been married for 14 months and we have no savings at all, although our rent is cheap and our fixed costs are manageable! How does?


You that?

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- First and foremost, I like the fact that there are sites where you can remain ANONYMUS and address topics can't talk to friends or family, for whatever reason! Have previously asked a question on Google and the answer has forwarded me directly here and the registration was synonymous quickly. Thumbs up 👍

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As I described above in the question we have been married for almost 14 months, she is 28, I'm 29! We both work and our joint net income is 3870 euro, of which are fixed costs (rent, additional costs, 2x mobile phone contract, Internet, Sky subscription, Netflix, etc.) = about 920 euro away… In addition, we have a loan in August for a 2 week vacation 4000 euro taken at 8 monthly installments that we have to pay until the 1st of April = 523 euro

We have no children, no car and our rent with 617 euro is not very high, but we still have to use the credit card for expensive purchases or a vacation, which we then pay off in installment or we need a higher loan as in August to take

What do we spend our money on?

Well, we eat al fresco in restaurants, order a lot too! We also do anything every 3 days. She likes to shop, as long as everything stays in moderation I leave her. Also, I sometimes see 140 euro bill only for a hairdresser visit, but since it is once a month, I keep an eye on… Otherwise, I smoke occasionally, alcohol we both drink and like

Why do not you keep a book on your expenses?

At the beginning of the month I plan to list all expenses, but then after 7-8 days I do not feel like it and lose track! Sometimes I see on the credit card or online banking any names with charges that I can connect with anything! There's Plaza and below 58 Euro? Only then, when she says we were eating there, I remember

On the other hand, I do not know their expenses during the month, I only see the end of the month on the bills

The biggest problem, why I ask the question here and can't talk to friends or family is that I let them do all the paperwork and bills 😁! I do not want to say that I could not do it, I'm just too lazy for that 😅 … But it makes it PERFECT! She has several folders / folders and then comes in the one rent / additional costs, in the other credit card statement and rates, in the third party contracts and other, etc… And then she cares that everything is paid!

How do you do this? How do you regulate this as a couple?



What your mistakes are depends on the point of view.

Do you want to enjoy life and worry about your finances in the here and now? Then there are no mistakes.

Do you want to save? Then the feher is generally spoken that you spend too much.

If you want to save, you have to decide for yourself, at which points you want to start.

If I compare that with my situation: We have a similar income, our fixed costs amount to about 1250 Euro + about 150 Euro fuel. We put back every month about 1000 to 1500 euro (a part in Bauspar contracts, a part in the accounts).

We both pay the same amount per month to our household account and pay for the purchases and other common expenses.

Things that we do not do together or belong to only one of us (hairdresser, clothes, hobbies, …) pays each of his money, so everyone notices themselves how much he spends and how much he wants to save. So you keep a good overview and there are both common and personal savings.

We go eat about 1-2 times a month, maybe order something to eat once, otherwise we cook ourselves.

For vacations, electrical appliances, … Would we NEVER take out a loan! Either you have the money or you just do not have it; then you have to renounce this luxury just times.


You consume too much.

With your salary, you do not have much left now.

Really keep a few months book on your expenses and think about where you can save. Sky and Netflix e.g. Do not have to be. There's also a provider. Go eat less. A hairdresser does not have to cost 140, - € each time. I get my top haircut for around 50, - €.

Holiday for 4,000, - €, even on credit, is extremely unreasonable. If you do not have the money, you should not spend it. You can also travel much cheaper. And if there's no money, you have to stay home.

Pay less with credit card. This is always nice and fast and next month comes with the billing the angry awakening. You can see for yourself that you lose track and do not even know what you spend your money on.


I have set up a standing order, there goes every month, immediately after the salary has come, a fixed sum to a separate account. What's left over at the end of the month is there too. If I want to buy something, I think again, if this really must be. There are no loans for me. Would I record at most for a property. I manage so well.

My friend thinks it's similar.

We're not married and have separate accounts. Roughly divide the costs by 2.