How should we best invest our money?


We live for 2 tons and have about 4500 euro a month net available,

Of this, from a rent of 430 euro, 105 euro go to electricity

300 euro food and around 150 euro fuel, around 100 euro fixed costs such as (Netflix, GEZ, Prime Internet Handy and co) we don't have more. So about 1000 euro fixed costs + - a few euro each.

How should we deal with the rest, currently we're leaving our money in the account but would like to invest something and would like to get some inspiration there.

We're 26 & 24 years, 7 years together, but no children and not married.

We're grateful for suggestions.

Were superior with ownership or shares


Build your own house

Gold coins


If you want to invest it, there's the option of renting real estate or shares or ETFs. Buy a few books and read in. Then you will find what suits you.

But don't just leave your money in the account, it will get less and less. 😉


Building your own house is not an investment. 😉


What, here you go, shouldn't there be any investment in it?


Owning a house is a passive asset and takes money out of your pocket every month. If you want to invest money, you want it to multiply. That is not the case with a house that you live in yourself.


First of all, you should make a correct list of your costs because something is missing.

Then you should also spend money for something that gives you joy. Eating out, vacation, hobbies, …

Then you put a safety buffer of at least 2 net salaries on the side that is not touched if possible.

You can invest the money that is left over. Since you obviously have little idea about investing, I would suggest a fund savings plan, possibly a few percent in something risky.

If you can have enough equity, your own property would also be conceivable.