How can you best invest with 600 euro per month?


I'm studying at a university and have 600 euro a month available for my expenses etc. That I want to invest.

ETFs would be weighted as follows:

60% MSCI World


15% Stoxx 600

I would buy stocks in a savings plan at Trade Republic.

I was thinking of 20 stocks with 10 euro each a month.

Shares would be Apple Paypal Facebook Alphabet Bilibili Salesforce Tencent Disney Netflix Nvidia Nextera Secunet Alibaba Amazon Unilever J&J Bianono Tesla and nio.

Does the broadly diversified equity strategy make sense?

Or should you only stay with passive, or how would you invest with 600 euro.

When I have more, I buy Ethereum, Bitcoin, Bitpanda Dogecoin etc shares.

A heartfelt thank you


I would invest in real estate


If the capital is to be dispensable in the long term and to generate a good return in the long term with low risk, then I would advise you to invest exclusively in index funds.

If you are willing to take risks, you can of course also bet on cryptocurrencies, but that is not much more than gambling.


As a student, you can't afford a property with 600 euro without saving. Real estate funds are also too expensive to be seen as the right one. If I have more money like 1600, I can save 1000 and then buy real estate at some point. But at the moment it's impossible.


I have currently invested 1000 euro in cryptos. It is more important to know whether an ETF or stocks or both.


As I said, I would always recommend index funds for a long-term investment.

Your distribution between the indices is already good.


Your plans look good, I would limit your share savings plans to 4 times 50 euro. In any case, you should save part of the month to take advantage of stocks. In March 2020 you could have bought almost any share. In August I heard about the split from Apple and Tesla, the following has emerged,

Apple + 8.27% and

Tesla + 82% in 5 months.

This saved money must be ready, you shouldn't sell from your savings plans. When buying stocks, you should stick to 1000 euro per position to keep the fees low.

Have fun and good luck


With the low investment sums, no individual shares should be acquired, as trading costs and sales are not in a favorable relationship.

Anyone who has their depot on Trade Republic must be aware that they are trading on Lang & Schwarz in the background.

Lang & Schwarz is known for its low sales and high spreads.

I like to choose my own stock exchange where I intend to trade.


Put 600.- every month in dividend aristocrats, such as Coca Cola or the like, reinvest the dividend, and then you have long-term heavy passive income.


Better than at MSCI World for example?

And what about the tax exemption if I reinvest it directly?



801.- allowance.